Hi, everyone!

Well, I didn’t fulfill my 2023 writing resolutions. Obviously. But I did make headway on my new WIP. A few people have asked if they can join my community and/or sign up for an email newsletter. So I’m getting my email newsletter started. I’ve decided that despite some drawbacks, Substack might be the best platform for me to start sending folks updates.

Here’s my plan. I’ve made contact with half a dozen or so writers of crime fiction, mostly traditional mysteries and thrillers, and I hope to do mini-interviews with them, as well as share fun facts of interest to bookish folks who love mysteries. It might be something I’ve learned in my research for my latest novel. That’s my plan for the start, at least; I’ll re-evaluate once I see what people enjoy reading!

I hope to send 1-2 newsletters per month, as well as post Substack notes on a regular basis. If you’re interested in being among my first subscribers, you can sign up now, even before I’ve sent my first newsletter. You do NOT have to use the app; you’ll receive the newsletter in your email inbox. I also have no interest in making this a paid subscription or hiding behind paywalls…EVER.

Here’s the link to Substack: https://meredithrankin.substack.com/subscribe 

Thank you for all your support!
