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Newsletter news, September 2024 edition

Hi, everyone! I’ve basically transferred my blog to Substack, and I’d love it if you join me there. I publish my free newsletter every other week, usually on Fridays or Saturdays, and feature interviews with mystery/thriller writers, the occasional book review, and tidbits from my research. Here’s a few of my recent posts:

An Angel’s Death The true story behind my latest novel.

My So-Called Obsession with Murder “If I bring it up, my daughters almost screech in protest and my husband sighs and my friends quickly change the subject.”

Meet Lucinda Gerlitz, cozy mystery writer “I had a picture in mind of my killer putting a pawn in the victim’s mouth as a clue, though, and the chess angle grew from that.”

Adventures in the Archives “The curse of being a writer: everything is story fodder.”

I have several more interviews lined up for the next few weeks, including another mystery writer, a writer/editor (who offers advice on self-publishing!), and a former FBI agent/thriller writer. If you happen to be a mystery writer, I’m open to interviewing authors of traditional mysteries, thrillers, and suspense. Just contact me: meredithrankin4 (at) gmail (dot) com. (No more cozies unless I know you through Sisters in Crime.)

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