Site icon Meredith Rankin

Book Reviews Policy


Update, October 2020: I am currently CLOSED to review requests. However, if I have previously reviewed your work I will consider it. 

If you’re interested in having me review your work, please read a few of my current reviews to see what my critiques are like, then contact me through the link above.

I try to abide by the golden rule of reviewing: review unto others as I’d have them review unto me. I aim to be honest, encouraging, and constructive, even in my criticism.

I’m a fiction writer and former fiction submission reader for a lit journal, so I read both as a writer and as a book-lover.

Indie Authors

I want to support you. Please make sure that your book is professional in appearance: good editing and professional formatting make all the difference in how I read a work. Typos & such distract me from the story, and a distracted Meredith is an unhappy one. Me, I prefer the happy Meredith. Bet you do, too.



the Yes! category:

Mystery, psychological suspense, crime, thriller, spy novels, police procedurals, historical or historical mystery

the Maybe . . . category:

If your work fits these genres but overlaps with another genre that I like (such as mystery) or you are an ethnic/racial minority, I might consider it: YA/New Adult; non-fiction; magical realism; women’s fiction, romantic suspense.

the Sorry-it’s-me-not-you category:

I’m sure your novel is terrific; I know you’ve worked hard to write your book and get published. These genres just aren’t for me. There’s a lot of reviewers who love them, though, and they’ll be happy to review your work: romance; erotica; horror; science fiction/fantasy; paranormal. If you need help finding reviewers, let me know and I’ll help.

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